Regional Programme Management Office
The RPMO works under the direction of the Chief Officers Group (COG) and is accountable to the Joint Committee, via the COG, for the operational delivery of the Deal Programme. The RPMO provides regular updates and an annual report to the COG and Joint Committee advising on the progress, performance, status and risks in respect of all active projects within the Programme. RPMO also acts as the single point of contact for government liaison within the context of the City Region Deal.
As well as the above, the RPMO reports on issues such as, but not exclusive to, the following:
- Analysis of the impact of the delivery of the projects within the Deal.
- The wider economic benefits and financial oversight of business cases.
- The development and implementation of communications and engagement strategies.
The Regional Programme Management Office consists of:
Claire Farmer
Head of the Regional Programme Management Office
William Rutherford
Finance Manager Regional Programme Management Office
Betty Brown
Personal Assistant Regional Programme Management Office
Jeremy Greengrass
Administrative Support Officer Regional Programme Management Office
For further information on the Deal the team can be contacted via the contact us page