The Stirling & Clackmannanshire City Region Deal in simple terms is a commitment between the Scottish Government, UK Government, Stirling Council, Clackmannanshire Council and the University of Stirling, to deliver a total investment of £214 million over ten years to support the economic development of the Stirling and Clackmannanshire city region.
The Stirling and Clackmannanshire regional economy is already blessed with significant assets including excellent further and higher educational establishments, rich natural, cultural and built heritage as well as a formidable business base. The region is well connected locally, to the rest of Scotland, and beyond to the UK and global community.
Our region is positively situated to build upon this foundation and from the outset the partnership identified four strategic outcomes to deliver on:
Widen access to opportunity through inclusive skills pathways that target those who face exclusion across our region.
Create conditions for businesses to thrive both locally and globally, increase job density and access to opportunity, maximising our regional assets.
Remove barriers to engagement and support inclusion to share prosperity and wellbeing across the region.
Invest in the creation of clean, green innovations, digital entrepreneurship and cultural opportunities to deliver a more diverse regional economy.
The deal is based around 6 themes:
- Innovation
- Digital
- Culture, Heritage & Tourism
- Transport, Connectivity & Low Carbon
- Infrastructure
- Skills and Inclusion
These themes provide the framework for a number of transformational programmes that will allow the investment of the Scottish and UK Governments through the Deal to unlock investment from within our region and beyond. The aspiration of partners is to deliver throughout the life of the Deal the realisation of economic and social benefits for our communities, citizens and businesses. Collectively the partnership is determined to build community wealth, ensure inclusive growth, drive towards a net zero future, and ensure the city region grows to be stronger and fairer for all
Explore the themesGeographical Overview
The Stirling and Clackmannanshire city region is at the heart of Scotland, meaning the city region can be seen as Scotland in miniature. Natural beauty abounds, with the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park to the west, the silvery River Forth to the south and the majestic Ochil Hills rise in the north.