Governance & Organisation chart

The Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal has been in operation since February 2020, underpinned by a suite of governance documents (see papers) which facilitate management of the programme. The Structure of governance is set out in the below chart:

City Deal Structure Chart

Whilst there are many benefits the City Region Deal will provide, all programmes and projects are evaluated using a set of SMART Strategic Objectives:

Strategic Outcome

    SMART Strategic Objective

Strategic Outcome

Inclusive Economic Growth (IEG)

Create conditions for businesses to thrive both locally and globally, increase job density and access to opportunity, maximising our regional assets

SMART Strategic Objective

  1. We will create conditions for businesses to be more resilient and thrive both locally and globally

  2. We will support the creation and retention of jobs promoting Fair Work

  3. We will maximise our regional assets to increase the economic impact of visitors on our regional economy

  4. We will support our regional supply chain through the use of progressive procurement

Strategic Outcome

Higher value jobs

Invest in the creation of clean, green innovations, digital entrepreneurship and cultural opportunities to deliver a more diverse regional economy

SMART Strategic Objective

  1. We will support an increase in the proportion of jobs within the region offering the Real Living Wage or higher

  2. We will support an increase in entrepreneurship and business start-ups across the region

  3. We will support an increase of the number of higher value jobs within the region as a proportion of all jobs

Strategic Outcome

Shared prosperity (SP)

Remove barriers to engagement and support inclusion to share prosperity and wellbeing across the region

SMART Strategic Objective

  1. We will support improving access to employment and Fair Work opportunities particularly for communities facing exclusion within the region

  2. We will support improving access to employment and Fair Work for people within the region currently facing labour market exclusion due to specific circumstances or characteristics

  3. We will reduce the region’s dependence on fossil fuels and diversify our approach to its energy requirements

  4. We will deliver our projects in accordance with the shared regional commitment to a net zero economy

Strategic Outcome

Inclusive skills ecosystem (ISE)

Widen access to opportunity through inclusive skills pathways that target those who face exclusion across our region

SMART Strategic Objective

  1. We will support the creation of a range of educational opportunities for employability, school, college and university students to engage with industry supporting their journey to employment

  2. We will support improved access to skills, education and training opportunities for those who face exclusion or are at risk of exclusion from the labour market

  3. We will provide opportunities for under-represented groups in key industries within the City Region Deal

The information collated at project level contributes to the deal level analysis carried out under the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework on an annual basis. This enables the partnership to evidence performance and contribution to inclusive growth across the region and assess the impact of the total investment.

The outcomes are reported through the Annual Report.